Sunday, March 30, 2008


Shoulder dremelled out Thursday morning. Three holes and a pile of pain.... Hopefully I'll be back on the boat very soon. I'll post a video tomorrow if the doc can get it formatted for me.

Monday, March 24, 2008

First Real Boat Work

Forms hung and aligned. My truck is officially relegated to outdoor parking until the boat's done! Also another picture with a big pile of strips! This is all WALNUT, 3/16ths thick. Really cool grain and color... inconsistent steaming, should make for a great looking boat. Thanks to my friend Rusty at Nashville Plywood. This wood already built an awesome entertainment center.

The FIRST STRIP IS HUNG!!! 3/23/08, let's see how long it will take. I'm having shoulder surgery on 3/27/08, all my heavy work was done, so working strips shouldn't be a problem.... we'll see.

The Beginning

One of the major reasons I started this was to document and share my progress building my first kayak. I have begun building a Great Auk from plans by Nick Shade at Guillemot Kayaks. I'll try to stay current, and provide good pictures. So here we go:

Forms hung on the strongback

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Getting Started

My first foray into this new media.... Let's see if if gets used much!